1 |
ei met veertje |
1974 |
2 |
eierdop |
1974 |
3 |
bloemkool |
1975 |
4 |
zwarte kat in doos |
1975 |
5 |
fles met bekers |
1975 |
6 |
papieren bootje |
1975 |
7 |
ei met lepeltje |
1975 |
8 |
uien |
1976 |
9 |
tennisballen |
1977 |
10 |
kroes |
1977 |
11 |
receptie |
1977 |
12 |
glazen en knikkers |
1977 |
13 |
knikker |
1977 |
14 |
tennisballen op grind |
1978 |
15 |
schelpje |
1978 |
16 |
twee peren |
1978 |
17 |
rij bomen in zomer |
1979 |
18 |
poes op pakpapier |
1979 |
19 |
knoflook met radijsjes |
1979 |
20 |
Vier mokken |
1980 |
21 |
plastic bekers |
1980 |
22 |
twee steentjes |
1980 |
23 |
framboos |
1980 |
24 |
citroen |
1980 |
25 |
negen radijsjes |
1980 |
26 |
schuur van de buren |
1980 |
27 |
golfbal |
1981 |
28 |
ping pong ballen |
1981 |
29 |
slakkenhuis |
1981 |
30 |
Tommy size 9,7 x 9,6 cm printed from 1 plate |
1981 edition 50 |
31 |
komkommers cucumbers size 24,4 x 19,6 cm printed from 2 plates in 3 colors |
1982 edition 50 |
32 |
drie kersen three cherries size 9,9 x 9,8 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors |
1982 edition 50 |
33 |
doorgesneden tomaten cut tomatoes size 19,7 x 19,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 4 colors |
1982 edition 50 |
34 |
gras bij nacht grass at night size 19,8 x 14,8 cm printed from 2 plates in 3 colors |
1982 edition 75 |
35 |
oog eye size 7,4 x 7,4 cm by commission of Dr. T. U. Hoogenraad for his thesis on ocular muscles |
1982 edition 100 |
36 |
perzik peach size 9,8 x 9,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 4 colors |
1982 edition 50 |
37 |
witte klaver white clover size 4,7 x 4,9 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors |
1982 edition 50 |
38 |
aardbei strawberry size 4,6 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1982 edition 75 |
39 |
schelpje 2 little shell 2 size 4,8 x 5 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
40 |
geschilde appel peeled apple size 9,8 X 9,8 cm printed from 4 plates in 5 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
41 |
partjes sinaasappel op handdoek slices of orange on a towel size 24,6 x 19,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
42 |
kruisbessen gooseberries size 9,7 x 9,8 cm printed from 4 plates in 5 colors 2nd prize Miniature Print Biénnal "Kunstforum" Schelderode, Belgium |
1983 edition 75 |
43 |
kruisbes gooseberry size 4,8 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
44 |
citroenen op tafel lemmons on a table size 19,8 x 14,8 cm |
1983 edition 75 |
45 |
glas water met citroenen glass of water with lemons size 19,7 x 19,7 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
46 |
"Japie" op een stoel "Japie" on a chair size 14,8 x 14,8 cm printed from 1 plate in black |
1983 edition 75 |
47 |
drie tomaten three tomatoes size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
48 |
beukenootje beech-nut size 4,8 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1983 edition 75 |
49 |
twee halve peren two half pears size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1984 edition 75 |
50 |
frambozen in kom raspberries in a bowl size 19,5 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1984 edition 75 |
51 |
dauwdruppel aan gras dewdrop on grass size 4,8 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors based on a haiku by J. van Tooren Red Ink Award, Pratt Graphics, New York 10th International Miniature Print Competition, 1985 |
1984 edition 75 |
52 |
klaproos poppy size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors based on a haiku of Issa made for the project "Pennen en Penselen" (Pens and Brushes) |
1984 edition 75 |
53 |
kommen en kroes in schemering bowls and mug in twilight size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors based on a haiku of Bashö made for the project "Pennen en Penselen" (Pens and Brushes) |
1984 edition 75 |
54 |
herderstasje shepherdpurse size 4,8 x 4,7 cm printed from 2 plates in 2 colors made for the project "Pennen en Penselen" (Pens and Brushes) |
1984 edition 75 |
55 |
kersen en perziken cherries and peaches size 24,7 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1985 edition 60 |
56 |
"Japie" op rode tafel "Japie"on a red table size 24,4 x 19,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1986 edition 75 |
57 |
tulp "Amerikaanse Vlag" Dutch tulip "American Flag" size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1986 edition 75 |
58 |
chionodoxa tussen grind chionodoxa between pebbles size 4,8 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1986 edition 100 |
59 |
een beetje wijn a little bit of wine size 9,8 x 9,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1986 edition 100 |
60 |
regendruppel op blaadje raindrop on a small leaf size 1,9 x 1,9 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1986 edition 75 |
61 | het groene glas the green glass size 19,6 x 19,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
edition 75 |
62 | druppel en knikker marble and waterdrop size 4,9 x 4,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors 1st prize first British International Miniature Print Competition |
1986 edition 75 |
63 | appels apples size 24,4 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
edition 75 |
64 | Sylvia's Cola size 19,5 x 19,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
edition 75 |
65 | de witte en de blauwe kroes the white and the blue mug size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1987 edition 75 |
66 | viooltje pansy size 4,5 x 4,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors edition |
1987 edition 75 |
67 | kiwi's en radijs kiwis and radish size 9,5 x 9,5 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1987 edition 100 |
68 | niet storen s.v.p. do not disturb size 9,6 x 9,4 cm printed from 1 plate |
1987 edition 75 |
69 | herfst fall size 4,5 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
edtion 75 |
70 | de "Glass Veranda" knikker the "Glass Veranda" marble size 4,6 x 4,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors 1st prize (ex aequo) Mini Print Internacional 1988 Cadaques, Spain |
1988 edition 75 |
71 | kersenbloesem cherry blossom size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1988 edition 75 |
72 | 19e eeuws handwerkgerei met meetlint 19th c. things for needlework with tape measure size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1988 edition 75 |
73 | maasbal en kluwenhouder 19e eeuw 19th century darningball and clew holder size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1988 edition 75 |
74 | akelei columbine size 9,5 x 9,4 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors by commission of the "Province of Utrecht" |
1988 edition 100 |
75 | kom met ei bowl with egg size 9,6 x 9,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 4 colors |
1988 edition 75 |
76 | uit de zee from the sea size 24,5 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1989 edition 75 |
77 | kastanje chesnut size 4,5 x 4,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
edition 100 |
78 | blauw flesje small blue bottle size 19,5 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
edition 75 |
79 | neerdwarrelend veertje descending feather size 9,5 x 9,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
edition 100 |
80 | colorbanded snail shell size 4,6 x 4,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
edition 75 |
81 | peren en framboos pears and raspberry size 19,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 5 colors edition |
1990 edition 75 |
82 | twee madeliefjes two daisies size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1990 edtion 100 |
83 | vallende kastanje falling chestnut size 9,7 X 9,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1990 edition 100 |
84 | partje manderijn part of mandarin size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
edtion 75 |
85 | teddy beer teddy bear size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors made for private use |
1991 edtion 75 |
86 | wind en wijn wind and wine size 24,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1991 edtion 75 |
87 | Paprika's size 19,5 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 cilors |
1991 edition 100 |
88 | mosselschelpen mussel shells size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 5 plates in 5 colors |
1991 edition 75 |
89 | perzik en peer peach and pear size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1991 edtion 75 |
90 | klosje rood garen reel with red yarn size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors edition |
1991 edition 75 |
91 | schelp en knikker shell and marble size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1991 edition 100 |
92 | lucht, land en water te Doorn air, land and water at Doorn size 24,4 x 19,6 printed from 3 plates in 3 colors by commission of the city of Doorn: this mezzotint is part of the environment conservation award of the city of Doorn |
1992 edtion 50 |
92 | zomernacht summernight size 19,6 x 19,6 printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1992 edition 100 |
94 | druif met takje size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors by commission of the "Kamerbeek" company at Amersfoort |
1992 edtion 200 |
95 | aankomst van een blad arrival of a leaf size 24,5 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1992 edtion 100 |
96 | blauwe schelp blue shell size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1992 edtion 100 |
97 | beertje little bear size 9,8 x 9,8 cm printed from plates in colors made for privat use |
1992 edition 100 |
98 | appels in vergiet appels in a colander size 19,7 x 24,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1993 edition 100 |
99 | noten. balk. kruis-bes size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors by commission of "Concert in Cothen" |
1993 edition 100 |
100 | aalbessen red currants size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1993 edition 100 |
101 | radix medicinae oris size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors by commision of "Het Nederlandsch Tandheelkundig Genootschap" (Dutch Dental Society) |
1994 edition 100 |
102 | twee honden two dogs size 24,5 x 19,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 4 colors |
1994 edition 100 |
103 | watertoren watertower size 24,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 5 colors this mezzotint is an alternated form of nr. 92 |
1994 edition 100 |
104 | oud veertje old feather size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1994 edition 100 |
105 | sinaasappelen in mand oranges in basket size 24,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 5 colors |
1994 edition 100 |
106 | mineraalwater mineralwater size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors by commision of the "Federatie Kunstuitleen" at The Hague |
1994 edition 60 |
107 | schelp in kistje shell in a wooden box size 9,7 x 9,8 cm printed from 1 plate in black |
1994 edition 100 |
108 | appel bij Sterkenburg apples near Sterkenburg size 19,5 x 14,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors by commision of the province of Utrecht |
1995 edition 50 |
109 | drie druiven three grapes size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1995 edtion 100 |
110 | slaappillen sleeping pills size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1995 edition 100 |
111 | op recept with a prescription size 9,6 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1996 edition 100 |
112 | ontdekking van de wereld discovery of the world size 9,7 x 9,6 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors for the portfolio of the Haagse Ets Club |
1996 edtion 75 |
113 | peren en stopflesje pears and glass jar size 24,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1996 edition 100 |
114 | blauw flesje bronwater blue bottle springwater size 24,5 x 19,6 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1996 edtion 100 |
115 | japanse kommen japanese bowls size 19,6 x 19,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1996 edtion 100 |
116 | lampionnetjes small lanterns size 4,6 x 4,7 cm printed from 4 plates in 4 colors |
1996 edtion 125 |
117 | drie maten fluiten size 9,7 x 9,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors by commision of "Concert in Cothen" |
1997 edition 100 |
118 | roze schelp pink shell size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1997 edition 125 |
119 | rabarber rhubarb size 24,4 x 19,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
edition 100 |
120 | twee rode uien en een witte two red onions and a white one size 9,8 x 9,8 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1998 edition 100 |
121 | rode uien en glazenpot red onions and a glass jar size 19,6 x 24,5 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1998 edition 100 |
122 | twee schelpen* two shells size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors |
1998 edition 100 |
123 | druiven en radijs* grapes and radish size 4,7 x 4,7 cm printed from 3 plates in 3 colors *special edition for luxus edition of the book |
1998 edition 100 |
124 | drie paprika's three paprika's size 19,6 x 19,6 cm color mezzotint |
1998 edition 100 |
an Amish stilllife |
2005 edition 100 |